Il dott. Gianfranco Senia si laurea a Catania in Economia e Commercio, con tesi in Tecnica Bancaria, sviluppata a Roma presso la Banca d'Italia, dal titolo "Management e dimensioni nella banca: effetti gestionali e performance". Il suo lavoro suscitò l'interesse dell'allora Governatore, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, che lo volle conoscere. Dopo aver conseguito la Laurea in Economia e Commercio presso l'Università degli Studi di Catania, ha effettuato il proprio tirocinio in importanti studi commerciali.
Dr. Gianfranco Senia graduated in Economics and Commerce in Catania, with a thesis in Banking Technique, developed in Rome at the Bank of Italy, entitled "Management and dimensions in the bank: management effects and performance". His work aroused the interest of the then Governor, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, who wanted to know him. After graduating in Economics and Commerce from the University of Catania, completed his internship in important commercial studies.
Dr. Senia is registered under no. 182 / A of the register of chartered accountants and accounting experts of the province of Ragusa, he is also an auditor; he is registered at number 78716 in the Register of Statutory Auditors and in the Register of Technical Consultants at the Court of Ragusa, at number 76 in the commercial category. He has been active for over 25 years.